Every work is different, requiring individualised consideration. This is true, whether you’re a novice writer wrestling with your first novel, or a seasoned pro in search of an editorial trouble-shooter. Our role is to help you bring out the best in your written work.

For a full reading of a completed work, our reading fees are as follows: *
Up to 40,000 words: £150.00 (base rate)
Up to 55,000 words: £200.00
Up to 75,000 words: £250.00
Up to 100,000 words: £300.00
and thereafter, an additional £50.00 for each additional 25,000 words beyond 100,000.
*These rates will be halved in the event of a second full reading of your manuscript after revision.
For each full reading of your manuscript, we will provide the following feedback:
- A critical analysis of the content of your work. This analysis will cover plot, narrative strategy, characterisation, theme, and texturing (background elements which contribute to story). We will suggest trouble-shooting approaches to help you refine the content of your story.
- A critical appraisal of your writing style. This assessment will cover diction, syntax, impressionistic language, and general mode of expression. We will identify any stylistic issues which may be undermining the effectiveness of your writing, and will give you specific suggestions as to how to address these issues creatively.
If you e-mail us a brief (300 words or fewer) excerpt of text, we will provide you with a free edit as a demonstration of my expertise. If you decide you would like to pursue an arrangement further, please consult our rates as listed above.
We are happy to accept payments via Paypal because it is simple, safe and free for buyers to use worldwide.
You can make payments using any credit card, bank account or your own Paypal account. If you need more information about Paypal payments please check out their website www.paypal.com.
Once we have reached an agreement on the work required simply click on the button below to send us the agreed fee.